Book Review: Sadie

Sadie by Courtney Summers is a book that will stick with me for some time. It's a YA thriller/mystery, but it has loads of subjects and triggers that range from YA to adult: drug abuse, murder, sexual abuse, pedophilia, rape, rural issues and poverty, etc. It is not just your run of the mill easy … Continue reading Book Review: Sadie

Book Review: A Wrinkle In Time

"It was a dark and stormy night..."  A Wrinkle In Time by Madeline L'Engle is one of those iconic stories that will never be irrelevant.  This book does not seem outdated at all despite being published in the sixties.  When I read this for the first time around elementary school, I did not quite pick up … Continue reading Book Review: A Wrinkle In Time

Book Review: Daughters Unto Devils

Daughters Unto Devil by Amy Lukavics was recommended to me by Mindi (@Gowsy33 to any of my bookstagram friends on here).  Well, she didn't know at the time she was speaking directly to me, as it was one of her IG stories.  BUT if I have learned anything it is that when she says she … Continue reading Book Review: Daughters Unto Devils